Water and electricity conservation

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Water and electricity conservation
Water and electricity conservation is the optimal use of water and electricity through a combination of techniques and procedures that reduce their consumption without compromising their productivity or compromising the comfort of individuals, using them when needed and in a more efficient manner that limits their waste and preserves them.

Ways to rationalize water and electricity consumption

Ways to rationalize water consumption

Periodic maintenance of faucets, to detect any leakage and repair of water.

Avoid using a water hose for washing the car; because it consumes large amounts of water, and replace it with a bucket.

Avoid leaving water when washing teeth, shaving, or bathing.

The use of modern methods of irrigating crops, choosing the best methods, such as drip irrigation, and planting certain types of plants so as not to consume large quantities of water.

Check the walls of the pools and their water drainage system regularly to detect any leakage and work to cover the ponds with suitable umbrellas to reduce the rate of evaporation of water, because the ponds consume large amounts of water.

 Install special parts to save water consumption, and use taps that do not flow large quantities of water.

 Reduce the shower period, and minimize the use of the bathtub when bathing; because it needs a large amount of water to fill it.

Wash fruits and vegetables in a basin filled with water, and do not wash them with running water.

Water treatment of agriculture, industrial water, sewage, flood and reuse.

Ways to rationalize electricity consumption

Turn off lighting in unused rooms, avoid lighting during daytime and rely on sunlight.

Adjust the temperature of the air conditioners at 25 ° C, close the windows and the tub when operating, to prevent hot air from entering the rooms, closing the curtains to prevent external heat from entering, and cleaning the air conditioning filters periodically to facilitate the passage of air through the filters, because unclean filters obstruct air passage and increase Of power consumption.

Replace normal bulbs with light bulbs that provide power consumption, such as fluorescent lamps, periodically cleaning bulbs to get good lighting, thus reducing the number of bulbs used.

Minimize the use of chandeliers; they contain many lamps.

Choose electrical appliances, such as refrigerators and washing machines that operate efficiently and provide water and electricity consumption.

Avoid using the electric heater in the summer, and replace it with solar heater.

Stop using unnecessary devices at peak times from 12 noon to 5 pm.

Check the rubber frame of the refrigerator door to ensure that there is no leakage of cold air outside or hot air into the refrigerator, avoid keeping hot food inside the refrigerator or opening the refrigerator door frequently because all these factors increase the consumption of electricity.

Run the laundries with their full load, and spread the laundry under the sun instead of using the blowers.

Disconnect power when leaving home, work or sleeping.

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